A new, prestigious role for Ian D’Agata: the Hugh Johnson’s Pocket Wine Book 2018

JANUARY 02, 2017

From www.wineducationalboard.com

It is with great pleasure that we announce Ian D’Agata, Creative Director of Collisioni Vino&Food Project, to be the new chosen Curator for the Italian session of 2018-and-on editions of Hugh Johnson’s Pocket Wine Book, becoming the first Italian ever to receive this role.

Now at its 41st edition, selling million copies all over the world, this tiny Guide is the best seller of wine worldwide. Absolute and recognized reference point for wine-lovers, professionals and producers, it gives the reader precise and synthetic information and clear comments on wines, producers and wine-regions of the whole world, with indications of what vintages to buy, which to sell and which to keep in the cellar for some more years, what producers to look for and why. Starting from today, for the first time, it will be an Italian presenting and describing Italy and its grape varieties, wine and producers’ patrimoine.

We all are happy to join Collisioni in contratulating with Ian for this important role. We are even more happy, as all of this is Collisioni itself.